What We Eat: Jalapeno Hummus

Add a little spice to your life by turning your traditional hummus into healthy Jalapeno Hummus.  This zesty little dip is perfect to dunk veggies in as you settle in to watch a little March Madness.Facebook Link Image_Jalapeno Hummus

Jalapeno Hummus


  • 1 can garbanzo beans
  • 1 jalapeno pepper
  • 1 cup chopped red pepper
  • 3 Tbs lemon juice
  • 1-2 Tbs flaxseed oil
  • 1 tsp cayenne pepper


  1. Drain garbanzo beans, save some of the liquid.
  2. Place all ingredients in a food processor and blend until creamy.
  3. Use the leftover liquid from the garbanzo beans if too thick.
  4. Garnish with garbanzo beans and cilantro.
  5. Serve and enjoy with fresh veggies.

Jalapeno Hummus

Forget Should!

Our guest blogger Emily has shared tips to avoid overeating and fun ways to play in the rain. Now she tackles how she motivates herself to make healthy life changes.

EmilyI should exercise. I should save money. I should contribute more to my 401k.

We all do it, put “I should” before whatever activity we think we ought to be doing. I’m here to tell you to remove that word from your vocabulary! Give it the boot! Launch it into outer space!

“Should” is what we say when we measure our lives by standards that are not our own. It’s a surefire path to beating ourselves up for what we’re NOT doing rather than acknowledging all the things we’re doing right.

Instead, think about saying “I want _______ because _______!”

I want to eat yummy foods that will make me feel healthy and not gain weight!

Food is meant to be enjoyed! Cooking is a never ending science experiment. Sometimes you will have a scrumptious meal you’ve never enjoyed before. Sometimes your dog will be chowing down on whatever that mysterious lump is. And sometimes even the dog won’t touch it.

I want to be more active so I have more energy!

Exercise is fun! No, I’m not talking about hitting the gym for 2 hours, unless that’s fun for you (it’s NOT for me). I’m talking about taking your horse for a ride (my personal fav), taking your dog to the park, or playing keep away with the kids. It’s exercise and an enjoyable want, not a chore-y should!

I want to save money for an emergency fund so I will worry less!

Watching the balance grow in an account or a piggy-bank is fascinating. I don’t know why, but as soon as you have tangible money in front of you, opportunities abound. Maybe you start with pennies and that will get you…well not much in the modern world. But then it grows to dollars, then hundreds, then thousands, and suddenly you have enough for a dream trip, that massive washer and dryer you’ve always wanted, or just piece of mind, knowing that you’re financially equipped for whatever life decides to pitch.

Lastly, if you’re putting “I should” in front of something you don’t really want, then why? This is your life, which means you should want to live for yourself, right?!

The “Thank You for Helping Healthcare” Project

IMG956013You can’t sugar coat it, healthcare is crazy expensive. We’re talking several trillion dollars expensive. But why does it cost so much? That’s the real question. Unfortunately, there are lots of factors that drive up the cost of healthcare. But the good news is that there’s something everyone can do to help impact the rising costs; get (and stay) healthy.

It’s true, for how complicated the industry is, a key piece of improving healthcare is about as basic as it gets. If everyone made a few changes to live a healthier lifestyle, we’d solve a boat load of the financial issues facing healthcare. With that in mind, we hit the streets with a stack of cash and “thank you” cards to show our appreciation for people exercising, eating well, or taking part in a healthy activity. The way we see it, doing something to better your health saves all of us money, so we wanted to give some of those savings back to you.

Throughout this summer, we’ll be all over the Great Northwest looking for the people who are actively trying to live a healthy life. We’d love to give you a high-five, a crisp dollar bill, and our sincere thanks for taking care of yourself. So keep an eye out!